Traitement de la maladie de Parkinson,traitement de parkinson,parkinson guérir dans l'ayurveda,parkinson de traitement alternatif,sideeffectss,sinemet effets secondaires de lévodopa

ci-dessous les liens pour témoignage vidéo de parkinson patients traités par nous et leur récupération avec un traitement ayurvédique

Discovered by James Parkinson in 1817, Parkinson was already identified thousands of years ago in ancient Ayurvedic texts Kampavata (Kampa: tremor, Vata physical humor governing the movement). Samhita Charaka, the oldest and authoritative manual of Ayurveda, gives the following description of the symptoms of Kampavata (Parkinson's disease), "Tremors of the hands and feet; difficulty with body movements. Various signs and symptoms currently associated with the disease such as akinesia, drooling, reptilian eyes, tremor, constant somnolence, rigidity and dementia are also described in Charaka Samhita
Ayurveda works on the principle of achieving balance between the three main doshas or humors of the body, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata governs all the air and the movement in the body. Ayurveda says that the cause of Parkinson's disease, a disease caused by an imbalance of the Vata Dosha is aggravated air presence in the brain. This grave is formed as a result of poor digestion leading to upset stomach, and the stomach then sends worse, unhealthy air to the brain. Over time air attacks worsened and corrodes the area of ​​the brain that controls involuntary movement. This corrosive effect on this area of ​​the brain causes symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Therefore the healing of Parkinson's disease is the exchange of the grave processes in the brain of the air and nutritious food produced by the stomach now work correctly. The apparent treatment of Parkinson's disease by long-term Ayurveda is due to the delicacy of creating a climate in which toxic air can be removed while fresh and healthy air is reintroduced. The healing process is accelerated by strictly following the diet, abstinence from wine and practices of adverse life for the simple reason that these are factors which contributed to the patient's disease is afflicted with Parkinson disease.

Allopathic view, which was developed with no knowledge that Parkinson's disease is curable with the proper practice of Ayurveda, has been able to identify the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, but was neither able to identify the cause or develop a curative effective treatment. Allopathic view of the cause of Parkinson's disease is that it operates as the concentration decrease of dopamine in the substantia nigra, and concluded that the symptoms of Parkinson's appear when dopamine concentration begins to fall below 20 % of normal. As part of the decrease in the concentration of dopamine, the post-synaptic receptors in the caudate nucleus and putamen develop hypersensitivity, consequently, in Parkinson's disease, the dopamine receptors are hypersensitive simply because the concentration Dopamine decreased. The base motion control nodes by two equilibrium systems, and other cholinergic dopanergic wherein the chemical transmitter dopamine. In Parkinson's disease, the system is defective dopanergic and the cholinergic system is dominant, and gradually the characteristics of Parkinson's disease become apparent. Given that allopathic reason for the cause of Parkinson's disease, it seems that the correct reintroduction of dopamine in the brain would be an effective remedy, which has not turned out to be.

The cardinal symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease are:

• Earthquake
• Stiffness
• akinesia / bradykinesia
• The postural instability

Secondary symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease include:
• Drooling
• Freezing
• reptilian gaze
• Insomnia / excessive sleepiness
• dementia
• speech and swallowing disturbances
• Constipation
• Depression
• Excessive sweating
• Scaling, dry skin on the face and scalp
• Slow response to questions
• Small, writing cramped
• Soft, whispery voice

Ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson

Levodopa is the primary Western medicine Parkinson. Levodopa produce severe side effects that include:
• cramps
• Nausea
• Hypotension
• Constipation
• Lack of bladder control
• Interference with memory
• Emotional anxiety
• Changes in blood pressure
• explosive diarrhea
• dry itchy skin
• Dry eyes
• intermittent effects that interfere with the movement
It seems that the side effects of levodopa an uncomfortable resemblance to the symptoms of Parkinson's disease that it is intended to treat, which raises the question - if levodopa is not on the system, why is it worse condition Parkinson itself?
Ayurveda has effectively treated and cured of Parkinson's disease for thousands of years. Through a combination of intensive research, the ancient Ayurvedic sources, and clinical experience in Ayurveda Clinic Sharma, Dr. Mukesh Paneri, an Ayurvedic doctor 5th generation, created Ayurvedic formulations and medicines for the treatment of disease Parkinson. Dr Mukesh Paneri personally formula and prepares its own ayurvedic medicines. These compounds ayurvedic formulas can be adjusted if they produce side effects such as occasional constipation and mild dizziness in the initial phase of treatment, but these minor side effects are not possible against-a sign of healing. Unlike Western medicines, treatment Dr. Paneri completely healed patients with Parkinson's disease.
Lately, Ayurveda has become a household word, and product releases factory generic products with Ayurvedic names began appearing on the shelves of health food stores. These drugs imitation should not be confused with the type of medication taken by the Ayurveda Clinic Sharma, under the expert guidance of Dr. Mukesh Paneri. It is not surprising, in the manufacture of over-the-counter versions of specific Ayurvedic medicines, the same pressure to reduce costs by reducing the quality is there, as it is present in a product of wider communication. For this reason, drugs handcrafted Ayurveda Clinic Sharma are valuable because of their authenticity and complete lack of compromise in the quality of often very expensive ingredients used to make them worse.
The strong effect of Ayurvedic cure developed by Dr. Paneri is that it addresses the cause, not the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Without this detailed knowledge of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and their origins, it is not possible for Western medicine to develop an effective treatment. Dr. Paneri has experienced great success in remission of symptoms of Parkinson's disease, and in many cases, the treatment itself, after which the patient is not required to take any kind of medication to stay free of Parkinson's disease.


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